Reiki 1 Class
If you want to have a life-changing experience and have fun in the process then come and join us in this Reiki I Training. You will learn the art of healing yourself, others, animals and all living things in this hands-on, informative and transformational class. Learn the powerful benefits of Reiki (Universal energy), and how it works on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.
What do we cover?
Amongst other items the following topics will be covered during the Reiki I Training
The Reiki Story
What is Reiki?
What is a Reiki attunement?
21 Day Cleanse
Principles of Reiki
How to conduct a Reiki session
Reiki hand positions to treat yourself
Reiki hand positions to treat others
Byõsen Scan
Opportunities to practice what you have learned on other students
Level I Attunement

What Does Reiki Help With?
Promotes natural self-healing
Balances the energies in the body
Balances the organs and glands
Strengthens the immune system
Treats symptoms and causes of illness
Relieves pain
Clears toxins
Adapts to the natural needs of the receiver
Enhances personal awareness
Relaxes and reduces stress
Promotes creativity
Releases blocked and suppressed feelings
Aids meditation and positive thinking
Heals holistically

today with your questions about craniosacral therapy and see how we can help you get on the path to improved health and wellness!